Top Mistakes When Spraying Shotcrete

Not surprisingly, the use of shotcrete in the construction industry has become increasingly common due to a rising number of applications where shotcrete has unique benefits over conventional cast-in-place concrete. When compared to traditional concrete, shotcrete is stronger, less permeable, cheaper, and uses less resources and materials. As a result, shotcrete is ideal for hard to reach areas where traditional concrete has been deemed impractical. Shotcrete, originally known as gunite, was invented over a century ago by an American taxidermist. Using a pneumatic hose to spray concrete materials onto a receiving surface, both the wet mix and dry mix methods are used in construction projects all over the world. The primary distinction between the two methods is that the wet mix approach uses ready mix concrete while the dry mix approach introduces water at the nozzle to complete the mixing process. In both scenarios, an experienced nozzleman is needed to direct the shotcrete...